Photos: G. Erlacher (Galerie Gmünd, Carinthia)
„Cardiac Archive„
2009, 450 x 250 x 50 cm, wood, neon tubes, diverse materials (plaster, package materials, straws, silicone, rubber band)
The installation „Cardiac Archive“ is made up of a cabinet with built-in lighting full of different objects and sculptures. The objects are three-dimensional variations of the „heart,“ which are not anatomical models but rather sculptural approximations of a multifaceted notion. They are made of various different kinds of plastics such as laminated plastic sheets, packaging materials, straws, Styrofoam sheets, drinking straws assembled together in collages.
The cabinet/frame is the system of organization in which the different objects are stored.
„We can have so many hearts inside ourselves. In my lifetime, I have discovered two hearts.“ Marina Abramović
Sketches for Cardiac Archive: